High-quality cosmetic goods are often the target of grey market shifts to the detriment of brand owners. In addition, this causes price fluctuations in the market, which reduces customer loyalty. For this reason, more and more producers are opting for individual coding of the folding boxes of cosmetic products (grey market code), as well as "track & trace" coding at higher packaging levels such as outer cartons and pallets. This allows the flow of goods to be tracked seamlessly all the way to the target markets, enabling grey market shifts to be identified and the responsible retailers to be held accountable. In addition, the system can be used for targeted customer approaches, which increases customer loyalty and enables further market assessment.
The solutions of SeriSoft GmbH enable the integration of all service providers for e.g. manufacturing, packaging and logistics. The brand owner receives web-based access to the data, which is provided via a SaaS platform. All necessary grey market analyses can be carried out efficiently and purposefully with this platform.